Vote 1 Julie Dunk

"Her stance is similar to that of the Greens, but with more of a fluoro tinge"

Candidate Julie Dunk, a.k.a Aussie Jules, is now accepting policy suggestions. Post a comment with your suggestion below. Ms Dunk will adopt the best and most creative suggestions & take them with her to Canberra when she is elected.

This is your chance to change the world! Choose-your-own politics - write a policy suggestion today!


Jaraparilla said...

Gosh, I thought that was "Julie Drunk", which would explain the photo!


Good luck with the campaign!

Capital Ideas Australia said...

Thank you for your well wishes, gandhi, we have considered your comment carefully & decided to replace the leisure-suit photo of Ms. Dunk with the one you now see above which we all feel more accurately reflects her interests.

Anonymous said...

Aussie Jules (may I call you that? - I don't like to presume familiarity with a CANDIDATE) Your thumbs up and thumbs down all seem to be pointing in the right direction. I like your eyebrows (please never trim them) I like your style (tho may I suggest a little more flouro) I am very inclined to send my vote your way - BUT - I WOULD like to be assured that your (albeit brief) past is devoid of goosiness. i.e. Have you ever been a goose?

Anonymous said...

Dear Potential voter,

Lovely to meet you here and may I say that I am delighted that you enjoy my brows. I shape them myself with a toothbrush and wouldn't dream of taking a knife to them. Cheers. With regards to geese, I'd like say here and now that I respect all animal life, and particular enjoy bonding with native animals in the wild. I wouldn't rule out all comparisons to bird life as I believe that humans may adopt animal spirit protectors during life and have oft visualised the image of a hawk whilst bush walking, though would fancy myself more of a tiger than a goose, and certainly not a Ducktator.

Let's get animal!

Best wishes,

Julie Dunk

Anonymous said...

UM. Jules- (I FEEL I can call you that) - since you parade a platform of truthfulness I think i should be truthful with YOU. UM. I am not REALLY "Potential Voter" - I am actually a "Woman Of A Certain Age" (which doesn't mean that I'm not a potential voter- if you see what I MEAN?) UM. I feel we have a connection here (I really DO like your eyebrows and - goodness me! I never thought of the toothbrush. Thank you so much for the tip) UM. Thing is- I have a further confession: I am not au fait with "animal spirit protectors" and I'm afraid I don't know a Duckator from - well WHATEVER. I am wavering here Jules.....(but I REALLY like your eyebrows)

SCART69 said...


Since Natasha left her active role in parliment there's been a derth of good looking intelligent & compassionate women to hold the public's interest (mostly just wrinkly narrow minded old rich men, ewwwwwwww yuchhhhh) so all the best in your bid for Canberra. Agree with pretty much all of your policies which probably means you're "nearly" a socialist ;-).

best of luck

guitarist, vocalist and writer for:

Anonymous said...

Scart - "wrinkly" and "old" are not necessarily synonomous with "narrow-mind and rich" Beware of Ageism - it is just as insidious as sexism, racism

Anonymous said...

Having established that you are not a goose (and leaving aside eyebrows for the moment) I have a further question: do you speak Mandarin? And, if so, how long did it take you to learn it?

Anonymous said...

Jules, I think you're hot....and your good with've got my vote.....come direct the traffic at my place anytime xx

Anonymous said...

oh yeah...policy suggestions....sorry Jules love, but I got a bit hot under the jumpsuit there.

Let's take the adversity out of politics....too much legal puffing of chests and crowing over small minded victories of intellectuals whose base life experience is the courtroom....

Let's get along people....and appreciate the beautiful differences that exist between us all, for there beholds the beauty of life as we know it people.

You're not a lawyer are you?

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for some time for a candidate I can truly support, and I think I may finally have found her. Where are the candidates ready to stand up for nature? Where are the candidates ready to vote according to the principles of quantum uncertainty? At last! Julie, I believe you are the one to lead us into the future. You are the one who will vote in a truly random and unpredictable way, true to the universe in which we live. Please may you never succumb to such follies as "policy", or "principles". Pah! Where have they got us? Wars, wars and religions. Quantum uncertainty has given us everything we have, and it's time at last that our country was run the same way our subatomic particles are. Go Julie!

richardwatts said...

How about ensuring that the arts get at least as much funding as the national Institute of Sport? And recognising and promoting the value of creativity in everyone's lives, at all ages?

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Dunk,

I think your opinions are pretty terrific, I like what you have to say. But I wonder what else you and your band of agitators are DOING about the way things are.

I mean, flouro fashion is hot, and its nice to plant saplings, and we all love thongs. But...

I struggle with my fight between the way things are, and the way I think they OUGHT to be.

I realise that nothing is linear, and change is always possible - so where do I begin, and how? I guess the answer is Here and Now. But where is Here? And when is Now?

I'm confused. I just want to believe in something. To believe life can be better than THIS. Can you help? Can anybody?

Capital Ideas Australia said...

Dear Within & Without,
Thank you for your questions - I believe many are asking similar ones - I know we often do ourselves! The malady you seem to be suffering from - with symptoms including a feeling of helplessness & frustration - is one that many Australians are currently inflicted with. The sheer weight of injustice seems sometimes so overwhelming & the prospect of altering those injustices so slight that all too often we throw our hands in the air, curl in a ball & shut our eyes.
The thing to do is something - just about any something will do. If enough people do enough little subtle somethings then a big something will be born that no one will be able to ignore.
The something being done by Ms. Jules & the Capital Ideas team involves trying to gather a group of like-minded people together to create an alternative voice to the increasingly conservative ones in politics today. Even Green ain't as Green as it used to be. We want to encourage everyday people to get up & get vocal.
If Ms Jules is successful in her bid to win a seat in the house of reps then she will be a powerful voice for these people. If, by some cruel twist of fate, she does not win all will not be lost. The policy suggestions gathered on this blog will be passed on to whoever does win the seat. In addition a small community of people will have been assembled who might like to help each other out with whatever projects they can dream up.
Nothing we do will be as immediately dramatic as the dropping of a bomb but we believe that small gentle actions are in the long term much more effective.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragement, Capital Ideas team. I'm so glad Aussie Jules will continue to fight for the truth, in the unlikely eventuality that she doesn't get a seat in the house.

I pledge my personal commitment to your cause, because I believe the Aussie way of life can be enhanced by such small, community-based groups of people who are sincere in their wish to improve "the way things are".

Do you want to know what I reckon? I think Politics and Government do not hold the answer to change.

If I think about the Here and Now, I believe Here is with the people I live among, who I share space with - public and private - people who are known and not known, seen and unseen.

And Now is a time in History where we have affluence and abundance, but no time, little trust - in each other, in our leaders, in "the market". There is certainly unrest, wich cuts through all people of all persuasions. It is that unrest we can harness, and even celebrate, in order to imagine another Here and Now to move forward to. That's what I reckon.

Anonymous said...

In my (not inconsiderable) experience - within and without - all one has to do is: to breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. In and out. In and out. In and out. In and.......take a toothbrush to your eyebrows.

Anonymous said...

Here! Here! marcus vj, within and without and cap ideas.

Anonymous said...


I'd like to propose some changes to the teaching of spelling, Australian pronunciation, and, frankly, the Dictionary. Is anyone else sick of trying to spell Australia, let alone saying it out loud phonetically?

Would Ms Dunk be interested in proposing a policy of Received JJJ Pronunciation? I'd like to see our proud nation follow the lead of the national broadcaster in their bold but common sense approach to pronunciation.

The future of our nation depends largely on the 16-25 year olds that worship the JJJs. Let's show them we understand them, champion them, embrace and accept them, and say YES, IT'S ABOUT BLOODY TIME WE ALL STARTED CALLING THE COUNTRY ERSTRAYA.

Thank you.

Kind regards

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Dunk,

I have a new policy suggestion:

How's about we do something to support our neighbours in Burma? why are we so focused on Iraq? Oh i know why, because Burma sells their oil to China, and we get ours from Iraq.

I protested with about 100 angry, sad, and traumatised Burmese people in Perth on Saturday.

Bad stuff is happening in Burma. I talked to just one refugee, I heard just a few of her stories. I was choked up; I felt a heaviness in my chest. Sickened by humanity.

The Burmese people stand strong in the face of adversity - they risk all to speak their truths. This Saturday, October 6th, is the International Day of Action. DO SOMETHING to show your support for Aung Sang Suu Kyi and the people who voted for her to lead them, way back in 1990!

Australia: grow a heart! And call her Julie Dunk.

Capital Ideas Australia said...

Thank you Within Without, Ms Dunk & the Cap crew will of course be there x

Anonymous said...

Free fruit! Cause fruit is awesome!

GZ said...

Consolations on being barred from standing. Hope things go well!